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Chase Construction North West, Inc. Gets Featured!

Building Hope in Uganda

Professional Roofing Magazine features Chase Construction North West, Inc.

Chase Construction was once again featured in Professional Roofers Magazine! This is their August 2015 “Shining Like Stars” issue featuring NRCA members supporting their communities. And we are one of those members! It is so great to be recognized for something that you love to do, and we at Chase Construction NW, Inc, we love to help people around the world. Whether it is local or global, we try to recognize peoples’ needs and help where we can. As many of you may already know, we have a heart for Africa ever since our owner Joel Beattie visited Uganda, in 2012, and was able to meet and establish a relationship with the people of Putti Village. Last year, he was able to go again and help a few different groups of people. Our flame for these beautiful people will never darken, as we continue to support and love our friends across the ocean.

The Buzzi Community Center

Last year, Joel and Melanie were able to travel to Uganda for the first time together, to help the people of the Buzzi Community. The community center is a place that meets many different needs for hundreds of people throughout the community. Here is a word from a community leader from the center:
Buzzi Community Center“It is easy to see that people in our community have several unmet needs. The gravity of the situation is seen in the numerous number of homeless and unemployed individuals as well as the decreasing assistance of government programs. Buzzi Community Center, founded on the passion to uplift the state of our citizenry and correct the injustices in the society, has been striving not only to resolve the problems in our society but to seek the main causes thereof and help train people for local and national changes in our livelihood . Our Center has started attracting young men and women in our communities from all walks of life. When you live in our community and seek a place that will help transform your life then Buzzi is the place to come to.
Why would you not want to support such wonderful leaders trying to make a real change in their community? When Joel and Melanie arrived, they saw that the Buzzi Community Centercommunity building itself was in desperate need. Melanie described it as “a shell of a building” as it had just a dirt floor, no sides, and only part of a roof. They quickly came up with a plan to help. They were able to buy all the material needed to complete the main building and the office. They hired masons, and with the Buzzi Community Centerhelp of the team they were with, alongside some of the community members, they were able to get started on the main building. Since they bought all the material needed to complete the project, the people of Buzzi could continue to work on the project even after Joel and Melanie left. After the Community Center was well on it’s way, Joel and Melanie went to help another group of people.

Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement

Chase Construction North West, Inc. Global Missions“Rhino Camp” is home to over 15,000 refugees who fled war and persecution. These people are in need of basic living supplies and medical care. Joel and Melanie, along with a couple of different organizations, were able to visit them, to give them hope, supplies, as well as some basic medical care. The teenagers really looked up to Joel, (well I can’t really say “looked up”, since their people group is some of the tallest in the world) because he introduced them to something they had never Chase Construction North West, Inc. Global Missionsseen before – the American football! Another lady from the group also managed to travel all the way to Africa with about a dozen soccer balls, and her efforts did not go in vain, because to these people, they were like gold! To finish up this portion of the trip, Joel was asked to speak at the refugee camp school, in front of about 1,500 students! He was able to give them encouragement and hope with his words and impress upon them that you can do anything you set your mind to.

Chase Construction On The Local Front

Screen Shot 2015-08-21 at 5.03.50 PMWe are always looking for an opportunity to help our fellow man, whether it be on the other side of the ocean, or right here in the Pacific Northwest. As Melanie said “If you want to do anything good for your neighbor, for somebody in the next state, for somebody in the next country, on the other side of the ocean – do it! Just go and do it!” And do it we did, and doing it, we are.

About Us

Chase Construction NW, Inc. Is a Puget Sound roofing company servicing Pierce and King County, and all surrounding cities. We specialize in all types of roofs, roof repair, and skylight replacement. We are licensed, bonded, insured and factory trained in all the latest roofing techniques, so you know you will get quality that you can trust with us.  for your free estimate, please contact Chase Construction North West Inc. today at 253-445-8950 or fill out our free estimate form!
Here is the documentary made about the Buzzi Project

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