

(253) 445-8950

Fighting Animal or Insect Infestation in Roof Spaces

Animals or insects tend to constantly scour for new places of comfort and can at Chase Construction North West Inc.times discover a safe haven right in your attic or vacant roof spaces. These can include bees, bats, squirrels, raccoons, mice and rats. As miniature or cuddly as they may look, they can mean real problems and wreak havoc for homeowners including damage to the roof, attic structure, and Chase Construction North West Inc.electrical wiring, the spreading of disease, and the added risk of fire. If this is something you are struggling with, call a contractor today! Here at Chase Construction North West Inc., our knowledgeable project managers can help take care of this problem right away and provide you with tips and tricks on preventing it in the future.

The first step of being preventative is to be knowledgeable about the typical points of entry for these animals and therefore be able to pinpoint such “trouble spots.”

The mostly highly targeted spots include:

-Gaps or missing pieces of fascia or soffit

-Openings in the exterior cladding or siding

-Open or ajar gable vents or windows

-Openings at the ridge or ridge vent

-Open or uncapped chimneysChase Construction North West Inc.

It is vital to keep these, as well as any other open areas in a home’s exterior, properly sealed in order to enact barriers between these pests and their quest to share your home. An example of a gaping problem is an open chimney that could allow birds to escape the elements by hiding their nests in the flue. A simple solution would be to simply install a chimney cap and prevent these new inhabitants from creeping in on your living space. 

Some Common Signs of Infestation:

Scurrying and scratching sounds

Chase Construction North West Inc.-Signs of gnawing on wood and electrical cables

-Signs of animal or bird droppings

-Signs of urination


Hives or nests present

Tips to Make Sure Your Home is Critter-Free

-After inspecting the exterior of your home, make sure any openings or gaps in the exterior cladding or siding are sealed

-Make sure that all areas of the fascia and soffit are tight and sealed with no gaps or openings

-Make sure the chimney flue is capped or closed off when not in use

-Take note of any new or odd animal behavior in your yard, such as squirrels traveling across the roof or electrical wires

Chase Construction North West Inc.Trim trees and surrounding foliage to prevent easy access to the roof

-Perform regular inspections of the attic areas

Spring is a great time to consider maintenance and infestation issues, following a great period of long, cold winter. We can take care of all such issues and we also specialize in all types of roofing! Call us and set up a free estimate today Puget Sound! Our crew is all trained to top qualifications and their expertise and experience in installation is unsurpassed. We come highly recommended and referred and want to work with you and show that we are the best for the job!  We provide services in King County and Pierce County, along with major cities such as Seattle, Tacoma, Puyallup, Federal Way, Renton, Auburn, Des Moines and all of the surrounding cities. If you are in need of roofing, decking, waterproofing, or skylight installation services contact Chase Construction North West Inc. today. Fill out our free estimate form or call us today at 253-445-8950.

Chase Construction NW, Inc. Your Neighborhood Roofing Contractor

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