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GAF Habitat for Humanity – Community Contractor Program

Get Involved In YOUR Community!


Habitat for Humanity International was founded over 34 years ago by Linda and Millard Fuller in a small community called Koinonia Farm in Georgia, USA. In 1968 the Koinonia community began to build homes and sell them to families who were in need at no profit and no interest. This in turn lead to what we know today as Habitat for Humanity.

Today Habitat for Humanity has built over 400,000 houses and shelters more than 2 million people in more than 5 continents and 3,000 communities world wide.

GAF and Habitat for Humanity have teamed together to develop a program that benefits both the community and the contractor who participate in the program.


How the Program Works

  • Habitat for Humanity builds and renovates houses with families in need of affordable housing
  • GAF provides roofing materials
  • GAF Master Certified™ and MasterElite™ contractors provide labor
  • Contractors will be recognized for their contribution and may present themselves as “local partners” in the GAF Habitat for Humanity Community Contractor Program
  • GAF donates a System Plus ltd. warranty for each new roof installed under this program



Chase Construction North West Inc GAF Habitat for Humanity


There are three ways to earn your certification…

  • Install roofing on two new Habitat For Humanity homes per year OR
  • Install one re-roofing project per year that includes a tear-off OR
  • Donate labor on two non-roofing projects per year (only when roofing is not needed locally)



Chase Construction NW, Inc. Joins the Community Contractor Program

Every year Chase has the opportunity to partner with Habitat for Humanity to provide a local family in need with a new roof. This album features our crew and the outstanding community service they provided in installing a new GAF roofing system near Tacoma, WA.


For further information on joining the GAF Habitat for Humanity Community Contractor Program contact: Andy Varyu 206-866-7599 (

“Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.” 

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