2018 Northwest Roofing Expo exceeds expectations!
On March 22, guest speakers for the GAF 2018 Northwest Roofing Expo at the Tulalip Resort & Casino brought thought-provoking insights and remarkable innovations to teach all roofers in attendance the best they know. Robert J. O’Neill, of the famed SEAL Team Six and one of the most highly decorated Navy SEAL combat veterans, captivated a packed house with colorful illustrations of SEAL training and combat missions. Of the many great vendors in attendance, some presented tools that are becoming widely used for this generation of roofing contractors, while others presented new tools that may become mainstays in the industry for generations to come.
Innovative business practices for roofers
Jeff Brett and Larry Cargal gave two of the most informative presentations for us. They brought innovative strategies to the table that have led to success in their own careers.
Jeff Brett: Brett’s wealth of experience shined throughout his presentation. He focused on how to implement the best financial options for customers so that they receive the best quality service, and he urged those of us in attendance to do the same. Brett’s core message was to package together roofing systems in easy to understand tiers so that customers can readily select the system that best suits them. This reduces costs for customers to as low as possible while keeping quality as high as possible.
Larry Cargal: Roofers are always trying to make the best product for the lowest price for customers, yet sometimes some small details fall through the cracks regarding the customer experience. Larry showed us how to close many of these cracks. He delved deeply into a variety of ways that roofing contractors can improve their customers’ experiences, from optimizing webpages so that customers can swiftly navigate available roof options and find the information they consider most valuable, to properly constructing important documents so that customers can easily understand and categorize them.
Never quit!
Even though these presentations were invaluable for Chase Construction North West, Inc. and we will most certainly implement some of their insights, the most anticipated event of the expo for most in attendance was the special guest speaker, Navy SEAL Veteran Robert J. O’Neill!! He spoke with genuineness and candor that comes only from somebody who has confronted hard truths of life and has overcome them. The thematic underlayment of Navy SEAL training is to never give up. O’Neill described how SEAL training is designed to push trainees beyond their limits to see if they break. It’s only those who never quit that can successfully complete the training. They learn to never panic, never give up, and never become complacent.
Hard lessons were not the only components of O’Neill’s excellent presentation. He painted a vivid picture of many events of his military career with sharp comedy and crisp action. Watching a top professional demonstrate what mission conduct really looks like was refreshing.
Looking to next year!
The 2018 Northwest Roofing Expo was a blast! We learned so much and met some great new people. GAF Roofing Academy students even showed us how to salute properly (that was super cool)! GAF has a tall order to make the next roofing expo even better than this year’s, but they can do it! Chase Construction North West, Inc. will do everything we can to help!
Found a leak? Some shingles looking out of place? We would love to help! Chase Construction North West, Inc. has been a Master Elite® roofing contractor with GAF for 8 years and have been installing the best roofing systems for 16 years. Contact us today by filling out our free estimate form or calling us at 253-445-8950.