Kicking off the day after an Independence Day full of beaming pride and fun, National Roofing Week commenced on Sunday, July 5th. The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) is deeming the goal of the week to increase awareness about the vital importance of hiring professional roofing contractors and making informed decisions about maintaining or replacing any roof system.
An Agenda of Helping the Greater Community!
NRCA’s CEO, Bill Good, stated “National Roofing Week is about raising the public’s awareness about not only how vital a roof is, but also the importance of professional roof installation and maintenance to ensure safe, long-lasting roof systems.” He went on to say, “Professional roofing contractors raise the bar for quality roof-system work, and National Roofing Week helps homeowners and business owners make educated decisions King of Texas Roofing when choosing a roofing professional.” In honor of this highly meaningful week, the NRCA and in Dallas hosted a very worthy community service project by replacing the roof of the Momentous Institute. This Institute is a nationally acclaimed lab school that provides therapeutic services to children and families in need in the Dallas area! What a great way to celebrate our industry! King of Texas roofing re-covered the more than 20 year old roof measuring 26,000 square feet with 1-inch polyiso insulation and a 60-mil, white thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) roof system! To celebrate National Roofing Week, the NRCA is promoting for all roofing contractors to take part in servicing their community as participants in both roofing and non-roofing community service projects! Regarding the subject, CEO Good, said “In honor of National Roofing Week, we want to promote the good deeds of the roofing industry and emphasize the value of professional roofing contractors to the communities where they live and
work.” Here at Chase Construction North West Inc., we love connecting and helping our community and we are excited for a week to recognize and appreciate our fellow roofing contractors and associates! We encourage all of our fellow roofers to post pictures of your team and favorite projects with the hashtag #Iamaroofer! Let’s show pride in our profession and appreciate all others craftsmen who do the same on a daily basis roofers!
Call Us Today Puget Sound!
If you are in the Puget Sound area, call us here at Chase Construction North West Inc. for all your roofing needs! We have been in business for over 13 years and we specialize in residential and commercial work! We love happy customers and center our operations around providing you with the most value! If you are in need of roofing, decking, waterproofing, or skylight installation services contact Chase Construction North West Inc. today. Call us at 253-445-8950 or fill out our free estimate form!